Medico-Legal Case
An overview on their role in criminal law proceedings
In India as hostilities rise against minority communities and other vulnerable groups including Dalits and Adivasis in India, it is imperative to know the medico legal procedure involved in cases of violence.
More than 200 incidents of violence against Christians have been reported this year and most of these incidents involve physical assault on the victim. But because of lack of awareness, the victims often feel helpless and do not know how to explore the legal and medical options available to them in such circumstances. Keeping that in mind, this guidance note has been prepared to create awareness and clarify the procedure with respect to registration of Medico Legal Cases in India.
A medico-legal case is one where besides the medical treatment; investigations by law enforcing agencies, are essential to fix the responsibility regarding the present state / condition of the patient. The case therefore has both medical and legal implications. Doctors often categorize medico legal cases into three broad categories namely, homicidal, suicidal and accidental.
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Medico-Legal Case
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